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Lorem ipsum is a pseu­do-Latin text used in web design, typo­gra­phy, lay­out, and prin­ting in pla­ce of English to empha­si­se design ele­ments over con­tent. It’s also cal­led pla­ce­hol­der (or fil­ler) text. It’s a conve­nient tool for mock-ups. It helps to outli­ne the visu­al ele­ments of a docu­ment or pre­sen­ta­tion, eg typo­gra­phy, font, or lay­out. Lorem ipsum is mostly a part of a Latin text by the clas­si­cal author and phi­lo­so­pher Cice­ro. Its words and let­ters have been chan­ged by addi­tion or remo­val, so to deli­be­ra­te­ly ren­der its con­tent non­sen­si­cal; it’s not genu­ine, cor­rect, or com­pre­hen­si­ble Latin any­mo­re. Whi­le lorem ipsum’s still resem­bles clas­si­cal Latin, it actu­al­ly has no meaning what­so­ever. As Cicero’s text doesn’t con­ta­in the let­ters K, W, or Z, alien to latin, the­se, and others are often inser­ted ran­dom­ly to mimic the typo­gra­phic appe­aren­ce of Euro­pe­an lan­gu­ages, as are digra­phs not to be found in the original.

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